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由利高原鉄道の旅 Yuri Kogen Railway Journey 2/2



I Got off a train at Ayukawa Station, because I was going to Mt.Chokai Wooden Toy Museum. Ayukawa Station is calm and unmanned. Ayukawa Station has adjacent a cute waiting room for kids, and there are pretty small chairs and wooden toys in the waiting room.


Then, I used free shuttle bus between Ayukawa Station to Mt.Chokai Wooden Toy Museum. It's a 5 minutes bus ride.


Please click below about Omocha Train.

おもちゃ美術館に到着 Arrived at the museum.



I finally arrived at Mt.Chokai Wooden Toy Museum. This museum is located in a peaceful place surrounded by forest, paddy fields and river. This museum opened in 2018, that the building used to be Ayukawa Elementary School, and this wooden and historical building was registered as a tangible cultural property.

There're many wooden toys and wooden play equipment for children. But this old traditional building is worth visiting for adult.

美術館の入口 The museum's gate

美術館の玄関 The entrance of the museum.

かつては体育館 This part used to be the school gym.

美術館の内部へ Go inside the museum.


Once you step inside the museum, you would feel nostalgic for your childhood. It is still in the shape as it was used elementary school.


There're many wooden toys and wooden play equipment in the classroom and the gym. These toys are made of wood from Akita Prefecture.

木のタワーと木のボールプール Wooden tower and wood ball pool

木製の遊具 Wooden play equipment


And the classroom is the cafe now and you can have lunch and a tea break here. I had the Onigiri Rice Ball set meal for lunch, it came with a side dish and miso soup, and amazingly they cooked the rice with Kamado (a japanese traditional cooking stove), so the Onigiri-rice balls were really good. The lunch and the woody atmosphere of this cafe were really good.

美術館内のカフェ A cafe in Mt. Chokai Wooden Toy Museum

カフェのランチ Rice balls and Miso soup


After having good time at the museum, I went back Ayukawa Station. And I took a train from Ayukawa Station to Ugohonjo Station and finally I ended my Yuri Kogen Railway Journey. I really enjoyed Omocha Train and Mt.Chokai Wooden Toy Museum.

That was a very good trip.



台湾東部沖地震 現地の状況

一昨日4月3日(水)朝、台湾東部沖にてM7.4の地震が発生しました。 最大震度6強を観測した花蓮県では建物の倒壊、落石や土砂崩れも発生 するなど大きな被害が出ています。犠牲になれた方々に深く哀悼の意を 表するとともに、被災された皆様に心からお見舞い申し上げます。...


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