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由利高原鉄道の旅 Yuri Kogen Railway Journey 1/2







Yuri Kogen Railway is a local railway runs 23 Km at a foot of

Mt.Chokai from Ugohonjo Station to Yashima Station in Akita Prefecture in Northern Japan. It is a 40 minute train ride from Ugohonjo Station to Yashima Station.

This railway line called Chokai Sanroku Line. The train goes slowly along rice fields and rivers, and those scenery from the train window are very peaceful and beautiful. Here is my travel journal about Choukai Sanroku Line from the other day.

Omocha Train of Yurikogen Railway







I traveled around southern Akita Prefecture by Choukai Sanroku Line in September this year. I started from Ugohonjo Station.

Choukai Sanroku Line area is a snowy area, I traveled in fall.

My main purpose of traveling is to get on Omocha Train. Omocha means Toy. When Mt. Chokai Wooden Toy Museum opened along Choukai Sanroku Line in 2018, Omocha Train has been designed with the concept of that museum.

The wood ball pool in Omocha Train

There're some wooden tables, chairs and wooden toys children can play in Omocha Tarin. Interior of Omocha train is made of wood from Akita Prefecture expect for its ceiling. The warm wooden interior will make you feel relax.

Omocha Train

Omocha Train


No reserved seat, you can take any seat wherever you like. I chose the box seat. At 10:43 Omocha Train departed from Ugohonjo Station. Akita Obako Attendant wearing Kimono rode Omocha train at this time to guide the passenger (only in Japanese, no other language).

She told the passengers about the sightseeing spots in the  train.
Akita Obako Attendant of Yurikogen Railway


The train was going along rice paddy fields nearly harvest time.

Rice paddy fields at a foot of Mt. Chokai.

Rice paddy fields at a foot of Mt. Chokai.


Chokaisan Wooden Toy Museum from the train window. I visited there in the same day. I'm going to write about this museum later.

Mt. Choukai Wooden Toy Museum from the train window.


There were some wooden toys and wood ball pool in Omocha Train and children enjoyed playing with them.

A boy playing with the wooden toys with his grandfather.


The adult passengers seemed to enjoy the passing scenery from the windows of the train. This local train didn't run so fast that we could have a very relaxing time.




I got off Omocha Train at the terminal Yashima Station at 11:22.

Trip of Omocha Train was so amazing and I had a wonderful time.

After that I was going to visit Mt. Chokai Wooden Toy Museum, so I needed to ride a train again from Yashima Staition.

The small cafe on the platform in Yashima Station.




While waiting for departure, I felt like coffee. This Year there is a small cafe on the platform in Yashima Station on trial. This cafe sells some local sweets shop's sweets and coffee.

I bought a cup of coffee, a walnut muffin and a Manju (a fluffy steamed bun filled with sweat red bean paste). They were very delicious.

This cafe opens from 9:30 to 14:00 only on Saturday, Sunday and national holidays on trial this year, but closes during the winter season from the end of October to April.


I got on a train from Yashima Station and went to Chokaisan Wooden Toy Museum.


To be continued in Yuri Kogen Railway Journey 2/2.



Note: Omocha Train doesn't operate every day, please check the operated days of Omocha Train on the Yuri Kogen Railway's website.

 Yuri Kogen Railway's website



台湾東部沖地震 現地の状況

一昨日4月3日(水)朝、台湾東部沖にてM7.4の地震が発生しました。 最大震度6強を観測した花蓮県では建物の倒壊、落石や土砂崩れも発生 するなど大きな被害が出ています。犠牲になれた方々に深く哀悼の意を 表するとともに、被災された皆様に心からお見舞い申し上げます。...


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