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あじさい寺 The hydrangea temple



Unshoji, the Buddhist temple in Oga City, is called " the hydrangea temple". Because this temple is famous for beautiful blue hydrangea. There're many blue hydrangeas blooming all over the temple from mid June to early July.


These beautiful flowers have been planted by secondary priest of Unshoji temple. When he found a hydrangea blooming small in the pricincts, he was fascinated with the beauty of a hydrangea. And he has grown all of these hydrangeas for 15 years to make visitors happy. Now there'v been up to 1,500 hydrangeas, and only bule color. These scenery of all blue flowers has been getting popular and many visitors from domestic and overseas, not only local people, come see them during the blooming season. It is now one of the major sightseeing spots in Oga Peninsula.



Unshoji-temple stands on a hill, so you can see the ocean from that precincts and take a picture of these blue hydrangeas with the blue ocean for a background. And you can also take a walk in the bamboo forest in the precincts.

The best time to see the hydrangeas blooming is mid-June to early-July.


*The hydrangea viewing event in Unshoji 2020 is currently under consideration due to the prevention of the spread of COVID-19.


住所  〒010-0683 秋田県男鹿市北浦北浦字北浦57

拝観料 500円(日中9:00~17:00 最終入場16:30)

     700円(夜間ライトアップ18:30~21:30 最終入場21:00)


【The hadrangea special view event at Unshoji-temple】

Adress: 57kitaura, kitaura kitaura aza, Oga-shi, Akita-ken 010-0683

Adminission fee for hydrangea view event:

500yen (9:00 to 17:00 *last entry at 16:30)

700yen (Night light up 18:30 to 21:30 *last entry at 21:00)

* Under Junior high school students are free.

* Daytime and Night light up time exchange system




台湾東部沖地震 現地の状況

一昨日4月3日(水)朝、台湾東部沖にてM7.4の地震が発生しました。 最大震度6強を観測した花蓮県では建物の倒壊、落石や土砂崩れも発生 するなど大きな被害が出ています。犠牲になれた方々に深く哀悼の意を 表するとともに、被災された皆様に心からお見舞い申し上げます。...


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