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Strolling around Hirosaki City

If you come to Hirosaki Park for cherry blossom viewing, you should stroll around Hirosaki City, because there're many historical buildings worth a visit. Here're some spots of them.

Fujita Memorial Gerden

Fujita Memorial Garden is a large Japanese garden that neighbors Hirosaki Park. Fujita Memorial Garden was built in 1919 as a via for a local businessman named Fujita. The garden is a traditional Japanese garden incorporated Mt. Iwaki into its design, and there're some traditional western-style houses, the Japanese-style houses, the waterfall and the pond in the garden. You can enjoy strolling the garden and visit inside those houses.

After strolling the garden, I recommend you take a break at a nice cafe in the garden. There're a cafe named Taisho Roman Kissa-Sitsu in a traditional western-style house, which is popular in the nostalgic mood of the cafe and the apple pie they make with the local apples.

Former Hirosaki City Library

This building was built in 1906 and used as city library until 1931.

This building was built in 1906 and used as city library until 1931.

Aomori Bank Memorial Hall

This was build in 1904 as the headquarter of the former 59th National Bank.

Too Gijuku Gaijin Kyosikan

It was used the residence for foreign teachers and their family, who taught English to students in the first private school in Aomori prefecture, and the school was called “Too gijuku”. There is a café “Salon de café Ange” on the first floor in this building and you can enjoy the meal and dessert here.

For the detail of the cherry blossom viewing in Hirosaki Park,

please refer to the link below



台湾東部沖地震 現地の状況

一昨日4月3日(水)朝、台湾東部沖にてM7.4の地震が発生しました。 最大震度6強を観測した花蓮県では建物の倒壊、落石や土砂崩れも発生 するなど大きな被害が出ています。犠牲になれた方々に深く哀悼の意を 表するとともに、被災された皆様に心からお見舞い申し上げます。...


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